
Interpol Red Notice

Every year, Interpol issues thousands of red notices, which are used for the search and temporary detention of suspects or accused individuals. However, this notification is not always used lawfully. States may use the Interpol system to persecute opposition members, entrepreneurs, journalists, and other individuals who pose a threat to the authorities.
Became the subject of a Red Notice? Secure qualified legal support as quickly as possible.

Don’t let a Red Notice ruin your life — turn to professionals who know all the intricacies of international law and are ready to defend your rights anywhere in the world. Our team of lawyers has many years of experience in challenging notices and cooperating with law enforcement agencies of various countries. We offer a thorough analysis of the request’s validity, defence of the client’s interests in international instances, and negotiations with competent authorities to minimise the risks of arrest or extradition.

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What is Interpol Red Notice?

The International Criminal Police Organization plays a key role in combating transnational crime. One of its main functions is the coordination of the search for suspects and convicted individuals across various jurisdictions. For this, Interpol uses different types of notices, among which the most well-known and serious is considered to be the Red Notice.

A Red Notice is an official request distributed through Interpol channels to more than 190 member countries, asking to locate and provisionally detain a specific person wanted based on charges or a conviction in another country.

A Red Notice is used when the law enforcement authorities of a country have evidence that an individual has committed a crime and there is a court order or arrest warrant. If there are grounds to believe that the suspect has left the country’s territory, they can request Interpol to issue the notice.

If a person has been convicted of a crime but has fled from justice, the state also has the right to submit a request for issuing a notice. If there is a need to extradite the detained individual, the red notice provides formal grounds for their temporary arrest and the transfer of relevant materials to the court of the country where the detention took place.

Formally, a red notice is merely a request for assistance in locating and detaining, so each specific law enforcement agency decides how exactly to respond within the framework of national legislation. Participation in Interpol does not impose an unconditional obligation on a country to carry out an arrest based on a red notice, but in practice, most states consider it a significant reason for detention.

What Other Types of Interpol Notices Exist?

Apart from the well-known Red Notice, Interpol uses several other types of notices, differing in colours and purposes:

  1. Blue Notice. Used to establish the identity, location, or obtain additional information about a person who may be related to an investigation. It does not grant authority for arrest but helps law enforcement agencies of different countries coordinate data collection;
  2. Green Notice. Warns about a person who has already committed certain offences and may repeat them in another country. Member states receive a signal about possible danger and can take additional control or surveillance measures;
  3. Yellow Notice. Intended for the search of missing persons, especially when it concerns minors or individuals in need of special protection. It can also be used to establish the identity of people unable to provide information about themselves (for example, those who have lost their memory);
  4. Black Notice. Used for the identification of unidentified corpses. It contains a description of physical characteristics, distinguishing marks, and circumstances of discovery, which allows the identification of the deceased;
  5. Orange Notice. Warns of the presence of an event, object, or material that may pose an immediate threat to public safety (potential use of chemicals, explosive devices);
  6. Purple Notice. Describes schemes, methods, or objects used in criminal activities. Helps law enforcement agencies of different countries exchange data on new ways of committing crimes;
  7. UN special notices. Created in collaboration with the UN Security Council Committee and concern individuals or organisations under UN sanctions, including those associated with terrorism.

If you encounter any of the notifications or want to know how they may affect you and your business, consult our specialists for timely legal support.

The Main Functions of a Red Notice

The main purpose of a red notice is to assist law enforcement agencies in locating and detaining an individual who is wanted for prosecution or to serve a sentence.

In the event such a person is found on the territory of an Interpol member state, the local police may carry out temporary detention until the competent authorities of the country that initiated the request confirm the extradition request.

Red notices facilitate the prompt exchange of information between law enforcement agencies of different countries. This helps to coordinate joint actions in the search for suspects and accelerates the process of information sharing during international investigations.

Where Can I Check if I have an Interpol Red Notice?

On the official Interpol website, there is a section where some “Red Notices” are posted. However, it should be understood that not all notices are made publicly available. The authorities of the requesting country may ask not to make the notice public for investigative or security reasons. The data may be updated with a delay, so current information might be missing.

If your name is not in the public section of the website, it does not necessarily mean that a red notice against you does not exist.

If you want to find out whether there is any information about you in Interpol’s databases, you can send an official request to the CCF. To do this, you need to:

  • Compose a written statement (it can be submitted in one of the official languages of Interpol);
  • Indicate your personal data (full name, date and place of birth, citizenship);
  • State the essence of the appeal — why you believe your name might appear on a wanted list and what consequences this causes;
  • Attach copies of identity documents.

CCF conducts checks of Interpol’s databases and provides an official response. However, the response may only contain vague wording or even lack specific information if it concerns confidential information. In case of violations being detected, the Commission may recommend deleting or correcting the relevant data.

If you suspect that a red notice might be issued against you, or want to ensure that your name is not in Interpol’s databases, do not risk acting alone. Our legal company will conduct a professional check, help competently draft a request to the CCF, and ensure the protection of your interests at all stages of the process.

What are the Requirements for Issuing an Interpol Red Notice?

There are clear requirements and procedures for issuing a red notice by Interpol, aimed at preventing abuse and ensuring the protection of human rights.

To request a red notice, a country must have at its disposal a court order or an arrest warrant (if the person is only suspected or accused), or a court sentence (if the person has already been convicted of a crime). That is, a red notice cannot be issued simply at the initiative of law enforcement agencies without proper judicial procedure.

Interpol’s mechanisms are intended for combating serious crimes. The Interpol system should not be used for minor offences or in cases where a political, racial, religious, or any other improper context is evident. As a rule, the publication of a red notice requires a minimum upper limit of punishment (from 1 year of imprisonment).

In accordance with Article 3 of the Interpol Constitution, the organisation prohibits any activities or interventions of a political, military, religious, or racial character. This means that a request for a red notice:

  1. Should not contain political motivation (persecution for dissent, opposition activities, etc.);
  2. Cannot be solely associated with war crimes or religious conflict;
  3. Subject to verification for human rights violations or discrimination.

Each notification must comply with the statutory objectives of Interpol — assisting national law enforcement agencies in their fight against criminal offences while respecting fundamental human rights. The requesting country must confirm that the request is focused on a criminal offence, not a civil or administrative dispute, and also complies with the principle of proportionality (the search is genuinely necessary, and other measures cannot yield results).

To issue a red notice, the requesting jurisdiction completes the Interpol form, which must include the following information:

  1. Identification details of the wanted person: full name and possible aliases, date and place of birth, citizenship (if multiple, specify all), photographs, distinguishing features (height, hair colour, tattoos, scars, etc.).
  2. Legal grounds and status: reference to the arrest warrant or court decision, including the case number and date of issuance; articles of the criminal code under which prosecution is conducted or charges are brought;
  3. Description of the crime: a brief characterisation of the act, date and place of the alleged commission of the crime;
  4. Additional information: contact details of the competent authorities of the requesting country, indication of any important information that may assist in the apprehension (for example, possible location, habits, connections with criminal elements).

After receiving a request for a red notice, Interpol specialists verify compliance with statutory principles, the completeness of the provided information and documentation, the alignment of the crime with the criteria of seriousness, and the possibility of initiating extradition proceedings.

If the notification meets all the requirements, it is published and becomes available to the law enforcement agencies of Interpol member states. If questionable points or a lack of evidence are identified, the organisation may refuse publication.

How to Remove an Interpol Red Notice?

A red notice may be revoked if the case has political, military, racial, or religious motivation. Another possible basis is a violation of human rights if proper legal procedures were not followed when issuing the notice, there are no genuine grounds for criminal prosecution, or the request was used to pursue business opponents.

First of all, it is important to ensure that the red notice actually exists. To do this, you can send a request to the CCF Commission or check Interpol’s public database. However, not all notices are published in open access.

Lawyers analyse the legality and validity of the notification, check whether articles of the Interpol Charter have been violated, whether grounds for terminating the criminal case come into effect, etc. At this stage, all necessary evidence is collected (court rulings, human rights conclusions, expert assessments).

If a notice violates the statutory principles of Interpol or contradicts human rights, a complaint is submitted to the CCF. This independent body reviews the collected materials and may request additional evidence from the requesting country or the applicant. If violations or inconsistencies with Interpol’s statutes are identified, the CCF recommends the removal of the data. Generally, this process takes some time, but after the procedure, the red notice ceases to be valid, and the risk of detention abroad is significantly reduced.

It is necessary to competently substantiate why the notification violates the statutory principles of Interpol or contradicts human rights. A lawyer will help to form the argumentation, collect the necessary certificates, verdicts, and conclusions.

With a competent approach, the chances of successfully and quickly removing the red notification increase. Without qualified assistance, there is a risk of receiving a refusal or facing prolonged bureaucratic procedures.

How long does an Interpol Red Notice remain in Effect?

A Red Notice does not have a fixed validity period and remains in the Interpol system until it is removed or cancelled. It can be withdrawn at the request of a country if the criminal case is closed, the statute of limitations has expired, or extradition is no longer required. It is also possible for it to be deleted by a decision of the CCF Commission if the notice violates the statutory principles of the organisation, for example, if it is of a political nature or contradicts human rights.

How Does the TRAP Act Prevent Abuse?

Transnational Repression Accountability and Prevention Act is a regulatory act adopted in 2022 in the United States, aimed at combating transnational repression. Its goal is to prevent the use of international search tools as an instrument of political pressure and unlawful persecution.

The law obliges the US government:

  1. Identify and document cases of transnational repression — when foreign governments use Interpol for the unlawful persecution of people abroad;
  2. Take measures against countries abusing the Interpol system — including possible sanctions or restrictions on cooperation;
  3. Increase the transparency of Interpol’s work — monitor how notices are used and seek their removal in cases of violations.

Consequences of a Interpol Red Notice

The first and most obvious consequence is the possibility of being detained in any Interpol member state if border services find a red notice in the database. In such a situation, a person may be held in custody until the issue of extradition is resolved. Even if detention does not occur, a foreigner may be denied a visa or entry into the country, citing information from the Interpol database.

Individuals listed in the Interpol database may face rejections when applying for residence permits, permanent residency, or citizenship in other countries. Immigration authorities check Interpol databases and, upon receiving a notice of an international search, in most cases, deny such applications. Even if you have previously obtained a visa or residence permit, the authorities may revoke previously issued documents after information about your search appears.

Banks and financial institutions are increasingly checking clients through international databases and sanctions lists. The presence of a Red Notice may lead to the blocking of active accounts or refusal to open them. In cases of suspected involvement in economic crimes, assets may be frozen even without a court verdict.

Upon learning about the red notice, partners may cease cooperation, fearing reputational or legal risks. In areas where it is necessary to obtain special permits or licences, the fact of being wanted by Interpol may become a reason for refusal to issue or cancellation of an already existing permit.

Can Interpol Red Notices Be Misused or Abused?

Despite the strict rules of Interpol, this tool is often used improperly, and in some cases, even for politically motivated persecution. Some countries use the Interpol system to pursue opposition members, entrepreneurs, journalists, and other individuals posing a threat to the authorities.

A Red Notice is used for the search of political opponents, activists, human rights defenders, and dissidents criticising the regime. Authorities may use Interpol to exert pressure on entrepreneurs and investors who have come into conflict with state structures or oligarchs. In some cases, Red Notices have been used to block assets and extradite businessmen.

Sometimes Interpol finds itself involved in private disputes, such as business conflicts, when one party uses law enforcement agencies to secure the issuance of a red notice against a competitor.

If you suspect that you have become a victim of politically motivated or unlawful search through Interpol, it is important to contact an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. Competent solicitors will help check the status of the notice and prepare a defence strategy. Our law firm specialises in protecting clients’ interests in Interpol, challenging unlawful notices, and preventing extradition.

Can an Interpol Red Notice Lead to Extradition?

A red notice in itself is not an international arrest warrant and does not oblige member countries to carry out extradition. However, in practice, it is often used as a basis for the temporary detention of a wanted person until an official extradition request is received.

When a person with a red notice crosses the border or is in a country cooperating with Interpol, the local authorities may detain them and notify the requesting state of their location, as well as refer the case to court, where the legality of extradition will be decided.

However, each country independently determines whether it will comply with an extradition request, based on national legislation, international agreements, and political factors.

Seeking Interpol Red Notice Lawyer?

Our specialists will analyse whether the notification exists, whether it has been entered into the open register, and whether it complies with the Interpol Charter. If necessary, we will initiate the collection of evidence and information confirming the unlawfulness of the notification.

We prepare and submit a complaint to the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files if the notice was issued with violations or without proper grounds. Upon identifying political motives or the absence of criminal elements, we seek the cancellation of the notice, which eliminates the risk of detention when crossing borders.

If you are already detained or there is a risk of detention in another country, we develop a defence strategy against extradition to the state that initiated the search. We engage in dialogue with law enforcement agencies and courts, providing evidence of the illegality of the search or the inadmissibility of extradition.

Our lawyers regularly participate in the processes of appealing notifications and are familiar with the practice of the CCF Commission. For each client, we develop a personalised defence strategy, taking into account their legal status, country of residence, and the nature of the accusations. We understand how important it is to minimise the risks of detention, which is why we act promptly and comprehensively.

Contact us right now for an initial consultation and discussion of further legal steps to protect your interests. The sooner you receive qualified support, the higher the chances of preserving your freedom and reputation.


Who can request an Interpol Red Notice?

A Red Notice can only be requested by the law enforcement agencies of an Interpol member state. The request is submitted through the National Central Bureau of Interpol or an authorised state body, provided there is a valid arrest warrant or court sentence. Interpol does not consider requests from private individuals, companies, or organisations.

How long does it take to remove an Interpol Red Notice?

The timeframe for the removal of a red notice depends on several factors, including the grounds for its challenge and the complexity of the case. The review of a complaint by the CCF Commission usually takes from 6 to 12 months, but in complex cases, the process may take longer. If the notice is withdrawn by the requesting country itself, it may be removed more quickly.

How does an Interpol Red Notice differ from an international arrest warrant?

A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant. It serves as a notification to Interpol member countries that a specific individual is being sought by the law enforcement authorities of another country. The decision to detain and extradite is made based on national legislation. A Red Notice does not oblige Interpol member countries to carry out detention.

Dr. Anatoliy Yarovyi
Senior Partner
Anatoliy Yarovyi, a distinguished Doctor of Law, possesses a Master’s degree in Law from both Lviv University and Stanford University. He was a candidate for a judgeship at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and has developed a robust specialization in advocating for clients at the ECHR and Interpol. His expertise encompasses issues related to extradition, personal and business reputation, data protection, and freedom of movement. With extensive experience in navigating complex extradition cases, he has successfully represented clients facing extradition requests from various jurisdictions, ensuring their rights are upheld throughout the legal process.
